An Emmy Award Winning Producer With Tips on Content Creation and Confidence On-Camera

Building a Sustainable Video Content Creation Strategy

I recently chatted with television colleague Angela Willoughby, Supervising Producer on the daytime talk show The Tamron Hall Show and fellow entrepreneur, about being consistent with video content creation and being confident on-air. As we settle into Q2, I hope you are thinking about the importance of video in marketing, the different types of video to use, and options for video content creation. In all of the above cases, if you are

thinking about creating any form of video content, you should consider practicing getting comfortable on-camera, keeping a content calendar, and remembering the following:

Before You Begin Producing Videos

  • Have A Plan, Clear Goals, And Be Consistent
  • Identify Your Target Audience  
  • Focus On Quality 
  • Get Comfortable On-Camera

Angela Willoughby got up early to join me on my biweekly segment of “Your Business In Digital.” Angela is an Emmy award-winning television producer and entrepreneur who knows a thing or two about running a business, creating content, and being on camera. She was the Supervising Producer on The View and is now the Supervising Producer on the daytime talk show The Tamron Hall Show. But in her free time, Angela is married, the proud mom of three, and has been running a thriving network marketing business for the last four years.

We discussed how she uses video in marketing and the importance of consistency when creating content. The network marketing business has evolved over the years. Willoughby recalled, “We as network marketers in this day and age have it so much easier 20 years ago, they didn’t have this. So they were getting, they were going door to door. They were having parties. They were having meetups. But we have this free advertisement platform where we can literally brand ourselves, share our content, and talk about pain points. So many people are making a lot of money on social media, and it’s literally free. But the big thing is that most people don’t know how to use it. You have to niche it down and figure out who your target audience is so that you speak to them when you craft your content.”

Regarding content, DMMA encourages everyone to set up a routine and create a calendar. You don’t need a fancy studio. Leverage your smartphone and basic equipment to create high-quality content. And remember, don’t just focus on entertainment; create high-value video content that addresses your audience’s pain points, educates them, and offers solutions.

Content Creation Consistency

  • Set a time to create content
  • Consider using a mix of content (video, static posts, IG stories)
  • Set realistic goals about the amount of content
  • Use tools to repurpose content

Getting Comfortable On-Camera For Content Creators

People often tell me they are uncomfortable being on camera and ask for tips on getting ready. I got Angela’s take on it since she spends a lot of time with professional television personalities and is on camera to promote her products. Angela says the overall arch of being comfortable on camera is knowing your story. “So I can get on and tell you about my products because I know the products. Number two, people need to think more. People believe they have to be perfect.”

If you are thinking about creating effective video and want to be more comfortable on-camera, Angela and I agree that the tips below will help you build enough confidence to shoot regular video content.

Build Your Confidence On-Camera

  • Know Your Product and Service
  • Film in Segments (filming content in manageable chunks)
  • Don’t Overthink It (You don’t have to be perfect)
  • For the Introvert (Don’t go live, record your video)

Again, remember to consistently implement a strategic plan to create an effective video marketing campaign to use video content to build relationships, drive business growth, and ultimately convert your audience into customers.

About Deborah Mitchell Media & Associates

As a seasoned video strategist (and Emmy-nominated television producer!), I help entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders leverage the power of video storytelling to transform viewers into loyal customers. At Deborah Mitchell Media & Associates, we’re passionate about helping businesses tell their stories. Watch more about video marketing on our YouTube page.

Ready to Take Action?

Explore why video content is crucial for B2B success. Schedule a consultation to discuss live streaming and video marketing or get valuable insights on your current strategy. Visit our website today to learn how Deborah Mitchell Media & Associates can help you create high-value video content that fuels your B2B or B2C growth. Don’t just be another voice in the crowd; let your brand story be seen, heard, and remembered. Visit Deborah Mitchell Media & Associates to learn more!

Looking to read more?

If you missed our previous newsletter, catch up with a past edition on sharing your message through storytelling. January’s edition featured tips from Debbie on why long-form videos might be better for your business’ marketing style.

“Giving Your Story The Time It Needs”

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