One Word and 3 Must-Know Trends in Digital Marketing for 2024

One Word and 3 Must-Know Trends in Digital Marketing for 2024

How can we help you do better in 2024?

As we begin 2024, the year is like a blank slate waiting for a new story to be told. So, let’s make every word count!

My question is “How can our team help you tell a better story in 2024?”

Instead of making yearly resolutions this year, I was recently introduced to setting a one-word goal. When you think about it, what one-word goal would you use to help tell your business story in 2024?

My word is collaboration and here’s my new year’s story.

Being a television and live stream producer for businesses allows me to be creative while sharing my media and digital marketing knowledge and connections.

But I’ve realized that juggling all the items in my work life, personal life, and creating community can be difficult to “keep the balls in the air” all the time. It’s time to collaborate with a few new partners.

I’d love to hear your story and word for 2024. Connect with us on social media and keep the discussion going! Also, Contact us to discuss a collaboration.

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Is Your Video Digital Marketing Ready for 2024?

Social media trends are analyzed yearly, and predictions are released to help you plan your digital marketing strategy.

This year, we found three critical items from the Please Advise article “Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Social Media Marketing in 2024” that will assist in making your business better.

  • Prioritize Customer Service on Social Media
    • “Social media is a two-way street. Use it for prompt customer service. Address queries, thank feedback, and resolve issues swiftly. It’s a chance to turn customers into loyal advocates.”
  • Video Is A Necessity
    • “If you thought video was big before, now it’s colossal. Short-form, live streams, or long-form – all formats are fair game. The key is to keep it engaging and authentic. Videos are no longer just an option; they’re a necessity.”
  • Make Interactive Content a Focus
    • “Polls, quizzes, Q&As – interactive content is a surefire way to boost engagement. It’s not just about broadcasting content; it’s about starting conversations.”

Read the whole article here!

Finally, use these suggestions to jump-start or elevate your digital marketing plan for the new year.

If you are still trying to figure out where to start? Contact us to discuss a collaboration or for a free consultation to get your video and live-stream content digital marketing moving the needle this year.

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