Ignite Your Brand and Audience with Emmy-Nominated Speaker Deborah J. Mitchell.

Captivate audiences, spark thought leadership, and drive action.

Emmy-nominated media veteran and entrepreneur Deborah J. Mitchell crafts captivating keynotes that ignite conversation, inspire action, and build strong communities.

The Results Are In! 97% Want to Hear Debbie Again!

Engage Your Audience Like Never Before!

Deborah J. Mitchell is a seasoned media expert who delivers dynamic keynotes that foster diversity of thought and inspire attendees. Her presentations leave a lasting impact and empower your brand.

Deborah empowers leaders to connect with diverse audiences and drive innovation.

Why Choose Deborah J. Mitchell?

Today’s gatherings, conferences, meetings, and summits offer a powerful platform to connect with your audience, showcase brand values, and establish thought leadership. Finding a speaker who can captivate a diverse community, spark meaningful conversations, and inspire action is a challenge.

TV Ready: Media Training Mastery

Discover the secrets to captivating TV producers with Emmy-nominated TV and multimedia producer Deborah Mitchell. In this sizzle reel, Deborah Mitchell, founder of Deborah Mitchell Media & Associates, shares her expert media training tips to help you stand out on screen and catch a producer’s eye.

Deborah J. Mitchell: Your Partner in Audience Engagement & Thought Leadership Activation

Deborah J. Mitchell is an Emmy-nominated seasoned TV producer with over two decades of experience crafting compelling content. Her passion lies in empowering others to become confident and engaging communicators, fostering diverse perspectives and igniting action. Deborah’s unique skill set combines:

Engaging Delivery

A captivating speaker who energizes audiences with her enthusiasm and expertise.

Video Content Creation

Leverage the power of video and social media to amplify your message and cultivate a cross-platform community


Navigate the media landscape to position your brand and executives as thought leaders.

Diversity & Inclusion

Foster a culture of inclusivity that celebrates unique perspectives and drives innovation.

Strategic Communication

Deliver clear and concise messaging that resonates with your target audience.

Storytelling for Impact

Craft compelling narratives that connect with your audience on an emotional level.

Let’s Address Some Of Your Frequently Asked Questions:

Deborah’s experience spans conferences, industry meetings, leadership summits, and internal company events, delivering captivating presentations tailored to each audience and topic. A few of Deborah’s topics are:

  • The Value of Strategic Video Communication & The Power of Visual Marketing
  • The Future of Strategic Communication – What Does It Mean To You?
  • From Likes to Loyalty 2.0: Building Communities that Last in the Future
  • Strategies For Engagement: Creating Authentic Communication That Connects in a Changing World

Deborah assists in developing clear and concise messaging that showcases the expertise of your executives and establishes them as credible voices within your industry. Additionally, her media expertise helps amplify their message beyond the gathering, further solidifying their thought leadership position.

Absolutely! Deborah works closely with you to understand your gathering’s goals, target audience, and desired outcomes, crafting a keynote presentation that aligns perfectly with your theme and ignites thought leadership discussions. 

Elevate Your Gathering

Create a memorable experience that fosters audience engagement, thought leadership discussions, and inspires action within your community and business team.

Spark Diverse Engagement

Position Your Brand as a Leader. Captivate a diverse audience, inspire innovation and participation, and provide value with actionable takeaways by using video communication

Amplify Your Message

Leverage Deborah’s producer expertise and video storytelling savvy to extend your audience reach, cultivate community and convert them into paying customers.

Ready to elevate your gathering, ignite your community, build relationships, and unlock new opportunities?

Let’s chat! Schedule a free consultation today, and we’ll discuss your specific needs and learn how Deborah J. Mitchell can craft a captivating keynote presentation that ignites your brand, inspires diverse perspectives, and leaves a lasting impact.

Together, let’s create captivating video content and a winning video marketing strategy to set you apart!

Media Features and Interviews

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